Monday, May 12, 2008

Pilates And Back Pain

As Pilates becomes more and more popular the number of people practicing and acquiring injuries has increased as well. This could be due to inexperienced instructors, large class sizes, or overzealous exercisers.

Joseph Pilates designed the exercises for rehabilitation not for pain and agony. If done correctly and making modifications to some of the classical moves, where necessary you will find Pilates to not only strengthen your core musculature but to relieve your back pain.

How can you avoid Pilates and Back Pain? Looking at some of the most common Pilates exercises that may contribute to back pain if not done under the watchful eye of an instructor.

Imprinting the Spine: When you imprint the spine into your mat this means you are pressing the spine or back into the mat.

Why Not: This exercise can cause compression on the discs of the spine.

Better Option: Neutral Spine (using the natural curvature of the spine) is the only place where the muscles can work safely and effectively to support the spine in all movements.

Roll-Up: Most people use momentum to do the roll-up.

Why Not: This exercise can cause Pilates lower back injuries when done repetitively and with tight hip flexors and weak core muscles.

Better Option: Use a mini ball at the lower back to help support the back as you roll into it only half way down.

Swimming and Swan Dive: Lying on your stomach with arms and legs extended.

Why Not: These exercises, when lifting the arms and legs to high can cause the back to hyperextend and cause excessive disc compression.

Better Option: Draw the abdominals up off the mat and extend one arm and opposite leg keeping the head down on the mat.

Rolling: Rolling like a ball is supposed to be gentle and like a massaging action.

Why Not: If you have Osteoporosis this exercise can cause fractures of the spine if done too aggressively. Also, by throwing the head and not engaging the abdominal muscles it can cause compression of the lower back as well as whiplash in the neck.

Better Option: Practice just balancing on your tailbone sitting up or lying down hugging your knees and rocking gently back and forth without rolling up to a balance.

Leg Circles: Lying on your back with one leg at 90-degree angle and the other straight on the mat.

Why Not: If you have tight hamstrings keeping both legs straight can pull excessively on the lower back and not allow you to effectively keep the tailbone down and use the abdominal muscles to stabilize the body.

Better Option: Bend the leg you are circling so the spine can relax into its neutral position and then the torso is better able to stay anchored making the exercise more effective.

Back Pain Treatments And Exercises

Back pain and pregnancy are inevitably related. Two out of three women getting pregnant experience this. But thankfully there are general treatments and exercises that can help reduce or prevent it.

1. Self Help Strategies

Generally one should try to reduce physical activities like standing on one leg for long time, climbing stairs, walking long distances and lifting or carrying weights. In between your work, try to take short frequent breaks. Just take a walk break or get some fresh air. At home, lie down comfortably during such breaks.

2. Massaging

Gently massaging the affected area is the most common cure but its effects tend to be temporary. Be careful; take the massage from an experienced person only.

3. Some Alternate Therapies
# Relax in a warm bath.
# Soak a cloth in warm (but not hot) water and place it over the small of your back.
# Use alternate medicines like homeopathy or herbal pills.
# Alexander technique teaches posture control to improve posture, balance and coordination. Learn this technique.
# Reflexology and yoga is also helpful.
# Many pregnant women find relief in acupuncture too, but its merits are yet to be proved.
# Chiropractic treatments can be tried out.
# Anxiety and depression during pregnancy can also be the cause of back pain, sciatica and leg pain. As such, staying relaxed and happy may make you feel better.
# Swimming can be of great help in back pain and pregnancy.

4. Exercise

There are some simple exercises to safely straighten your back muscles in case of back pain and pregnancy.
# Get on your hands and knees. Lift your right arm up so that it is level with your back, and at the same time lift your left leg high but not higher than the level of your hips. Hold this balancing posture for a second. Repeat the process for left arm and right leg combination. Repeat 10-15 times.
# Start as before. Inhale slowly and as you exhale, arch your back upwards. Hold it for 5 seconds and repeat 10 to 15 times.
# Add a twist to the above exercise by drawing your right elbow toward your left knee, and vice versa, while lifting.
# Lie on your back. Lift your head and torso six inches from the ground and hold it for a second. Repeat this 10 to 15 times.


Be very careful while going in for any medication or exercise during pregnancy. If you experience any abdominal discomfort while exercising, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

Back pain and pregnancy are closely related but can easily be separated! Just give it a try.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Myths And Records About Back Pain

Back pain has achieved epidemic proportions world wide in the last two decades. In fact, in the US, back pain is responsible for the highest number of man hours lots in the industry. It is the second most common ailment after common cold and eight out of 10 people suffer from a significant episode of back pain at some point of their lives. Nearly 70% have a recurrence within a year of the initial episode.

Sedentary lifestyle and improper posture have been mainly responsible for the increased incidence of back pain. Other high risk factors for back pain include professions requiring sedentary work/prolonged improper posture, obesity, stressful lifestyle and previous history of back pain. However the good news is that most episodes will last only a short time, up to 75% will recover in 3 month, only 1-3% of patients ever require surgery.

There are many prevailing myths about back pain like: stay in bed, you need prescription drugs to get relief, stay away from surgery because of poor results etc. These myths often put these people off track and hinder proper management. There are two parts of management of back pain - taking care of the pain and reducing the chances of recurrence. Pain is managed by local application of heat/ice packs, massage, anti-inflammatory drugs, corsets, physiotherapy, acupuncture/acupressure or local injections. However, these provide only temporary relief and are unproven to have a long term impact on the natural history of the disease. Aerobic physical conditioning (through walks, swimming, treadmill, cycling and other general conditioning exercises).

Patient education and surgery are proven treatments which changes the natural course of the disease. Specific back exercises, physical conditioning exercises, proper posture in everyday activities and controlling any, professional or personal emotional factors are important for prevention of recurrence of back pain.
These days back pain has become a common problem amongst most people. Every second person experiences backache at some point in their lives. Sedentary and stressful lifestyles, unhealthy eating habits and non-uniform work patterns are major contributors to the causes of backache or lumbago.

Backaches can be categorized into acute spinal ache and chronic spinal ache. Acute spinal ache is when you have pain that persists for less than six months. Back pain is considered a chronic problem when it continues for more than twelve weeks.

Backache is often a radiating kind of pain and can affect other parts of the body like neck, legs and buttocks. This backache can be the result of muscle, ligament or tendon strain. Sometimes spinal ache can also be a sign of some other illness such as heart attack, kidney problems and gall stones. Hence it is advisable to pay attention to the pain and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Chronic back pain can be treated by a variety of methods. The options include surgery, yoga, pillages and homeopathic treatments. While surgery is an option in extreme cases, alternative methods can help in less severe cases. Chronic backache can also be eased by physical therapy. An experienced physical therapist can make a huge difference in easing the persistent pain.

Physical therapy includes one or a combination of exercises such as low impact aerobics, biking, swimming, walking, strength training exercises on the lumbar extension, regular flexibility exercises, contraction callisthenics that retrains back muscles and yoga, tai chi or Pilates exercise. Apart from this there are many home remedies that can provide relief from lumbago.

These remedies have been tried and tested and are as old as time:

1. Garlic: Garlic is also known magic herb. Two to three cloves every morning can make a huge difference. Back massage from garlic oil can provide a lot of relief

2. A daily intake of fish oil can work wonders in alleviating backache

3. Another home remedy for providing relief from back ache is to drink a mixture of powdered dried ginger, eating soda and salt in hot milk or hot water

4. Turmeric can also be applied to ease back problems.

Apart from these remedies there are other ways of providing relief from chronic back pain which include:

1. It's advisable to sleep on a firm mattress. Try sleeping on your back or side and avoid the face down position

2. Temporary relief can also be sought with the application of heat or infrared lamp to the affected area.

Spinal ache can rob you of your sleep; hence it is important to pay attention to it before it turns chronic. It is also advisable to watch your weight and diet. A light exercise regimen can go a long way in preventing aches and pains. Regular intake of anti-oxidants like citrus fruits such as oranges and dry fruits like almonds also help in preventing it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Range Of Lower Back Pain Treatments

If you suffer from any kind of low back pain, you know how awful and disabling this condition can be. Low back pain sufferers often do not want to do anything. When your spine feels bad, you feel bad all over, and so low back ache can be one of the worst things that can happen to you. Fortunately, there are a range of lower back pain treatments available in this day and age. Although not every lower back pain treatment is worthwhile, and you may have to try quite a few before you can find one that will work for you, chances are that if you persist you will find something to relieve your back pain.

Trust me, I know. I suffered from low back pain for years and years before I found a successful treatment for it. I tried every lower back pain treatment known to man practically. I tried chiropractic, physical therapy, and even a number of fruity new age cures before I found anything that worked for me. And the thing about it was, there was no miracle that came. No one lower back pain treatment did everything that it promised to do. The most important factor in my recovery, much more important than any of the individual things that I tried, was my refusal to give up. In the end, what worked was a combination of conventional lower back pain treatment and some more experimental things. By using chiropractic, physical therapy exercises, and an active routine of different exercises to build up my strength, I was able to get over my lower back pain. If you are willing to give every lower back pain treatment that you try a serious go, you will eventually get over whatever pain you suffer from. The key, and I cannot stress this enough, is not to ever give up.

All in all, I would say that almost any lower back pain treatment has to start in the same place. You should get a good massage from someone who knows how to work with people who have back conditions. This will help loosen you up a little bit, and relieve some of your pain and stiffness, which will help your lower back pain treatment take. If you can get a doctor to prescribe muscle relaxants, this will also help get your lower back pain treatment going, but you should not make the mistake of getting the muscle relaxants and having that be the end of it.

Lower Back Pain Treatment And Medications

For some people, lower back pain is something that sneaks up on them and then never wants to leave. There are many causes for back pain, but the most common is injury. If any part of your spine becomes damaged, you are going to know it by the amount of pain you feel each day. Others find their discs have just worn out, and the pain is caused by the bones in their spine rubbing together. When you feel pain all the time, you need to look into lower back pain treatment so you can reclaim your life.

Lower back pain treatment might just mean trips to see the chiropractor. Sometimes, the pain is just caused by your spine being out of alignment. You probably won’t feel total relief right away, because the back is sensitive, and you may need to see your doctor for months before the problem can be totally corrected. There are so many different muscles involved with aligning your spine properly that this type of lower back pain treatment will only work if you visit your doctor as directed.

You can also take pain medication for lower back pain treatment, but remember that medications only mask your problems. If there is something wrong, no pill is going to fix it. You will eventually have to have surgery if you have missing or deteriorating discs in your back, though taking pain medication will make your pain tolerable until you can get in to have the surgery done. Even with medications there are risks, however, as many can be addictive. This will leave you with a whole new set of problems.

Once you have gone through your lower back pain treatment, remember to treat your back right. Once the problem is fixed, do exactly what your doctor tells you to do. If he or she tells you to give yourself six weeks to recover, you had better do it, or you will find yourself back in the office for lower back pain treatment all over again. Remember to watch how you lift and move, and remember to avoid the activities that damaged your back in the first place. There are exercises you can do to strengthen the muscles around your spine if it keeps going out of place. Your doctor can tell you what exercises to do, and if you follow their advice, you may not find the need to seek lower back pain treatment again in the future.